
Our 100% Money Back Guarantee

We have a simple motto – unless we can GUARANTEE your job we will NOT take it on. We understand that as a client you seek CERTAINTY and require PEACE OF MIND.

How does our Money Back Guarantee Work?

Once we have completed our preliminary assessment of your particular site, PS is proud to offer you an exclusive money back guarantee on the provision of our services before we commence. Simply put, if we can’t achieve or meet your development expectations we will not take on your project – and if we don’t achieve the approved plans and permits for your requested project – we will refund you all the monies paid and no fee is chargeable.

So what have you really go to lose? If you wish to take action now and commence your project, please contact us by filling out the form below with your contact details and let us assist you to reach your development goals.

Money Back Guarantee LOGO

Money Back Guarantee

Our reputation is built on the quality of our work, the integrity of our approach and the accountability of our actions at every step.